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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Higher Rates of Divorce For Baby Boomers

I read a very interesting article about how divorce rates are doubling for baby boomers; I read Baby boomer divorce rate doubles.  The first half of this article talks about the divorce of a couple who's been married for 37 years.  Like many couples of their time, they met in college and married young and raised two children. But, they slowly grew apart... how most divorced couple start out.

The second half of this article talks about the increase of divorces among the baby boomer generation (this is the generation born between 1946 and 1964).  Divorce rates among couples 50 years and over have doubled in the last 20 years!  In 1990, fewer than 1 in 10 people who got a divorce were 50 years of age or older.  In 2009, it was 1 in 4 people, and this figure is only going to increase.  A study showed that out of these people over 50, most were blacks, the fewest were whites, and Hispanics were in the middle.  The study also showed that most of the older adults were less educated as well.  Two factors that some identified  to be reasons for these rising rates is longer life spans and the changing marital biographies of baby boomers.    Another reason was that this generation was the first to come of age when the rapid acceleration of premarital cohabitation and divorce rates in the 1970's and 1980's.

I found this article to be pretty intriguing.  Most people that I know whose parents are divorced, and even mine, are among this generation of people.  I was surprised to see that whites were the group with the lowest rate.  I don't really know why, but I guess I just assumed that whites would have the highest rate, or at least be in the middle.  It does make sense to me that among those adults, most were less educated because back then, not many people got a really good education; some just got a high school diploma and others received the basic college degree and didn't care to go any further.  I think that this divorce rate among baby boomers will increase in the next couple of years, but then it will level off and become a constant rate.


  1. Coming from a family where my parents are divorced, I can totally relate to this. I find it crazy that divorce is almost as high as marriage. Divorce is becoming a second nature and it is ridiculous how in the world of love, it can change in an instant. It is unbelievable and the chat that is displayed is mind boggling. I found the article to be very interesting and very informative as well. The racial divorce comparison had me interested as well, and like you said, I would have assumed that whites would have the highest divorce rates, but again, we use our judgment when it comes to those types of situations.

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