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Friday, April 19, 2013

Revised Summary/Plan/Update

My survey was a success! I made 2 different surveys (one for a general view on divorce of people whose parents aren't divorced and one for people whose parents are divorced).  I surveyed 17 people whose parents aren't divorced and 10 people whose parents are divorced (I hope to get a few more of each though to get more results). Within those 27 people, only 2 of them were males (my brothers); the rest were classmates. I would like to get a couple of adults' opinions as well within the next few days. I think the survey worked for the most part.  However, I think my free-response question for why they think more and more couples are getting divorced was difficult for some to answer so my results weren't that great for that question.  For instance, two people said “because people are stupid” for that question. I was a little mad with some of the people that took it because they didn't take it seriously enough.  Nevertheless, after putting all of my results in a chart, I gathered a lot of really interesting information.  I’m excited to get more surveys and calculate the different percentages to put all the information together.

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